SUMMER Spaghetti with red prawns from Italy, gambero rosso recipe

SUMMER Spaghetti with red prawns from Italy, gambero rosso recipe

Serves 4 persons

Preparation time : 20 minutes



- 500g spaghetti

Prepare the fund :

- 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

- 3pc garlic cloves finely diced

- 1/2 piece chili fresh or dried

- 200ml vegetable broth

- 100ml white wine (optional)

- 25g butter

Prepare red prawns :

- 1kg medium size gambero rosso 

- 4 pinches salt

- 4 pinches black pepper

- 4 pinches pepperoncino

- 2 tbsp olive oil

- 1 piece zucchini

Serve :

- 100g parmesan fresh and finely grated



1. First cut off the zucchini at the ends. Cut the shells lengthwise into 5mm thick slices and discard the core. Then cut the zucchini slices into 5mm long strips and finally into even cubes. Sauté the prepared vegetable cubes in the pan with a little olive oil until light brown, season with salt and pepper, then remove from the pan and place in an extra bowl.

2. Next, fry the Gambero Rosso in a little oil in the pan over high heat on both sides with olive oil. Then remove them, let them cool down and remove them from the dish. Put some Gambero unpeeled aside for decoration.

3. Heat some olive oil in the pan again and fry the garlic cubes until golden brown. Deglaze with white wine and add stock.

4. Place the prepared courgettes with the released prawns in stock, season with pepperoncino and a little butter and prepare to serve. I deliberately omitted to boil the shrimp shells today, I was simply in a hurry, please follow the tip according to the recipe!

5. Boil the spaghetti in a large pot with salted water al dente, drain well after draining and shake several times.

6. Arrange the spaghetti on warm plates with the help of a meat fork. Spread the garlic-chili-oil with the zucchini cubes and prawns over it.

Decorate with a single red shrimp. Serve at the table with grated Parmesan cheese if desired. Bon appetite!