One of the most ancient beverages, tea remains the king of beverages. Heavily consumed around the world, tea is far more than just an aromatic drink.


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The king of beverages

The king of beverages


One of the most ancient beverages, tea remains the king of beverages. Heavily consumed around the world, tea is far more than just an aromatic drink.


Its different varieties, virtues, origins, tastes and usages are so numerous that we could write an encyclopedia just about tea. However, tea lovers will recognize that the first important step is to understand the main common classifications :

-          White tea

-          Green tea

-          Oolong tea

-          Black tea also called red tea in China


White tea grows almost exclusively in China, its name derives from the fine silvery-white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant, which gives the plant a whitish appearance. White tea contains the most antioxidant.


Originally, green tea was more appreciated by the Chinese and Japanese cultures but it is now widely appreciated in Western countries for its long-purported health benefits. Its color is green and its taste is light and refreshing with a hint of bitterness.


Enjoy your tea at any time of the day


Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea made according to a unique processing method. It is mainly popular in Asia and South East Asian.


Black tea is definitely the most consumed tea in the Middle East and in the world. Mainly originated from India, Sri Lanka or Iran, it is strong, powerful with a dark color, it has a high content in caffeine.


Among those main varieties, tea makers have developed “blends” to mix savors and flavors opening an infinite array of tea combinations.