This is here one my most secret family recipes ! It is all about a fantastic chocolate fondant that my whole family enjoy so much and, cherry on the cake, it is easy and quickly prepared !

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Chocolate fondant : a family secret recipe

Chocolate fondant : a family secret recipe


Making your chocolate fondant


Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Ingredients :

100g of dark chocolate Weiss

100g of half salted butter Lescure

50g of plain flour for pastry

150g of caster sugar

3 eggs


First, preheat your oven to 180 C / Th 6.  

Grease and line a silicone rectangular cake dish. 

Heat the chocolate and butter together in “bain marie”, (put the chocolate and butter in a small saucepan, itself placed in a bigger saucepan filled with water) until the chocolate and butter melt. 

Once the mixture is melt, out of fire, pour the rest of the ingredients (flour, sugar and eggs) and mix until you get a very smooth mixture. 

Pour the smooth mixture in the cake dish. 

After 30 minutes in oven, remove the cake and allow to cool completely.